Helpful Tips to Keep from Getting Locked Out

While your local Sydney locksmith is happy to help you with your “locked out” dilemmas, why not take the steps to avoid getting locked out in the first place? Millions of people lock themselves out of their homes and cars every years. It can be quite frustrating at the moment you realize that you just locked the door and your keys are not in your pocket or purse. By developing good habits in regards to your keys, you will be less likely to be stuck in keyless predicament.

Create New Habits

Everyone has specific habits that they follow when going to their car or securing their home and you likely do so as well. It eventually becomes an ingrained part of your routine. Stress and absent-mindedness can disrupt your routine. Therefore, it is important that you stick with a basic habit so that you are less likely to need the services of a locksmith. For instance, if you leave home or work, always make sure your keys are in your hand when walking out. Some people use a keychain with a bungee bracelet to immediately attach the keychain on their wrist to avoid forgetting their keys.

Keep Keys in a Sturdy Pocket on your Person

Sometimes, a situation calls for you to carry your keys in your pocket. Choose a pocket that is not removable, such as your pants or shirt pocket. If you stash the keys in a jacket pocket or backpack pocket, it is all too easy to set down a backpack or take off your jacket when you get warm. If you do so and your keys are in them, you are more likely to misplace them.

Avoid Setting your Keys Down to Free your Hands

If you are loading groceries into your vehicle, don’t set your keys down in your trunk or on the seat. Mistakes happen and you will lock them inside. It happens all the time. Keep your keys handy, such as your pocket or even the hood or top of your vehicle. You cannot easily lock them inside that way.

Everyone goes through situations where habits are interrupted. Keep a spare key with a neighbour or friend.  Hide that spare key in a non-traditional place where a criminal is not likely to look. And of course, program your cell phone with your local locksmith’s phone number for those unforeseen circumstances that you cannot anticipate.

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